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Hongzhong Zhang(张洪忠)

Zhang Hongzhong is a professor at the school of Journalism and communication of Beijing Normal University, doctor of communication, director of "big data user behavior tracking and Analysis Laboratory" of Key Laboratory of science, technology and standards of press and publication industry, and director of new media communication research center of Beijing Normal University.


He has published many academic papers in various Chinese and English academic journals such as SSCI and CSSCI, published four monographs such as China's media industry under the influence of capital and China's media credibility in the transition period, CO authored and edited five, edited three. It has undertaken three National Natural Science Foundation and social science foundation projects, as well as nearly 50 provincial, ministerial and horizontal projects, and has carried out large-scale investigation and network data mining and analysis for a long time.


Email: zhanghz9@126.com

Main research directions

Communication effect measurement, intelligent communication, media credibility


Zhang Hongzhong: China's media industry under the influence of capital, Beijing Normal University Press, October 2014

Zhang Hongzhong: the credibility of Chinese media in the transitional period, Nanjing Normal University Press, April 2013

Zhang Hongzhong: theoretical research on the credibility of mass media, people's publishing house, September 2006

Zhang Hongzhong, investigation on the credibility of Chinese media, Nanjing Normal University Press, May 2010

Zhang Chunyan, Beijing Normal University Press, January 2007

Qin Yanhua, Zhang Hongzhong, Tang Jiajun: Research on book user behavior, research press, 2019

Zhang Hongzhong, Fang Zengquan, 2018 China overseas network communication power report, published by economic management press, June 2019

Zhang Hongzhong, Fang Zengquan, 2019 China overseas network communication power report, published by economic management press, July 2020

Zhang Hongzhong: the "false news education" (60000 words) part of the training textbook for journalists 2013 by the State Administration of press, publication, radio, film and television

Yu Guoming, Zhang Hongzhong, editor in chief: the first, second and third series of China media think tank, Communication University of China Press, December 2017

Zhang Hongzhong, Zhang Guohong, editor in chief: development trend and marketing methods of we media, December 2017, Xinhua press

Yu Guoming, Zhang Hongzhong, Liu Qian, editor in chief: artificial intelligence and future media lecture hall, Volume I, Xinhua press, January 2020

Liu Qian, Zhang Hongzhong, Qi Xuejing: 2018 China VR industry and consumer survey report, Xinhua press, July 2019

English Thesis

1. Hongzhong Zhang,Juana Du,Rui Wang,Media credibility: The impact of privately-owned websites on state-owned televisions in the context of China,Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 29(2):188-210. January 2019

2. Yiben Liu, Shuhua Zhou, Hongzhong Zhang(2020). Second screening use and its effect on political involvement in China: An integrated Communication Mediation Model. Computers in Human Behavior.18 November 2019

3. Williams, C., Du, J. & Zhang, H. (2020). International Orientation of Chinese Internet SMEs: Direct and Indirect Effects of Foreign and Indigenous Social Networking Site Use. Journal of World Business 55(3): Volume 55, Issue 3, April 2020

4. Hongzhong Zhang, Xueying Zhang & Shuhua Zhou(2015). To Trust or Not to Trust: Characteristic-based and Process-Based Trust. China Media Research, 13(1), 2017.

5. Hongzhong Zhang. Book Review : Mass Media Credibility: A Historical Perspective Chinese Journal of Communication.Vol. 8.March 2015.

6. Hongzhong Zhang, Shuhua Zhou, Shen, Bin. Public trust: a comprehensive investigation on perceived media credibility in China .Asian Journal of Communication.Volume 24, Issue 2, 2014

7. Hongzhong Zhang,Linsen Shu. Chinese Media and Journalists in Transition, 载The Global Journalist in the 21st Century,Routledge, May 2012,P9-21.

8. Shuhua Zhou,Hongzhong Zhang and Bin Shen. Comparison & Magnitude Credibility: Whom to Trust When Reports are Conflicting? The Open Communication Journal,2014, 8, 1-8

9. Fei Shen ,Hongzhong Zhang.Predicting Media Credibility in China: The Influence of Weibo Use.Asian Journalist for Public Opinion Research,August 2014

Chinese Thesis

Zhang Hongzhong, Chang Jiaqi, he Kang Information cognition and sharing from the perspective of cognitive disharmony Theory: a comparison based on the survey data of Xinguan in five cities [J] News and writing, 2020 (05): 33-39

Zhang Hongzhong, Shen Fei, Li Hao, Jia Quanxin The impact of epidemic proximity on rumor Trust: an analysis of the mediating effect of communication channels in COVID-19 [J]. Press, 2020 (04): 48-56 + 5

Zhang Hongzhong, Lan Duo, Wu Peiying. Analysis of eight research fields of intelligent communication in 2019 [J] Journal of global media, 2020,7 (01): 37-52

Zhang Hongzhong, Liang Shuang, Wang Jingyi Novel coronavirus pneumonia, official communication, interpersonal communication and self media: credibility analysis of the new channel for spreading the epidemic of pneumonia [J]. News and writing, 2020 (04): 37-42

Zhang Hongzhong, Zhao Bei, Shi Weiying Behavior analysis of social robots participating in Sino US trade negotiations on twitter [J] Press, 2020 (02): 46-59

Zhao Bei, Zhang Hongzhong. Application and thinking of artificial intelligence technology in China's media industry in 2019 [J] News and writing, 2019 (12): 23-29

Zhang Hongzhong, Duan zening, Yang Huiyun Analysis of public opinion intervention of political robot in social media space [J] Press, 2019 (09): 17-25

Zhang Hongzhong, Lan Duo Construction characteristics of mass culture in the era of social media [J] Media, 2019 (08): 17-19

He yuan, Zhang Hongzhong, Shi Weiying: the credibility of China's online media -- an analysis based on the dimensions of network use and demographic characteristics, published in the annual report of new media of China Journalists Association, China New Media Research Report 2019, people's daily press, November 2019

Zhang Hongzhong, Liu Xuyang Financial media creation: application of new communication technology in the reports of the 2019 two sessions [J] Chinese reporter, 2019 (04): 30-33

Zhang Hongzhong, Duan zening, Han Xiu Dissimilarity or symbiosis: Discussion on the research path of social robot in social media [J] Press, 2019 (02): 10-17

Han Xiaoqiao, Zhang Hongzhong, he yuan, Shi Weiying The collision between liberal arts thinking and technical thinking: a case study of the application of news communication experience in the development of machine writing technology [J] Journal of global media, 2018,5 (04): 81-91

Las Weiner, Tang Shuo, Shi Jian, Zhang Hongzhong Chinese public perception of Journalism and the impact of social media [J] Journalism University, 2018 (06): 18-30 + 147

Las Weiner, Tang Shuo, Shi Jian, Zhang Hongzhong How the Chinese public views journalists, media and fake news -- a study based on the 2017 national questionnaire [J] Reporter: September 31, 2018

Zhang Hongzhong, Jiang Wenqi, Ding Lei Exploration on the path of creating new mainstream media in the era of artificial intelligence -- Research Report on cover news [J] Chinese reporter, 2018 (09): 33-36

Zhang Hongzhong, he yuan, Ma Siyuan A comparative study on the mediating effect of official and personal social media account trust on social confidence [J] Journalism University, 2018 (04): 98-107 + 154-155

Zhang Hongzhong How to understand the impact of artificial intelligence on media content production from technical logic [J] China media technology, 2018 (08): 10-11

Zhang Hongzhong, Ding Lei. Does VR social fair replace wechat in 5g era [J] News and writing, 2018 (07): 46-49

He yuan, Zhang Hongzhong Principle, current situation and limitations: the application of machine writing in media industry [J] Press, 2018 (03): 21-25

Zhang Hongzhong, Shi Weiying, Han Xiaoqiao From communication mode to form: the change of artificial intelligence to the connotation of communication channels [J] Chinese reporter, 2018 (03): 29-32

Zhang Hongzhong, Shi Weiying, Liu Liming How to understand the influence of artificial intelligence on media industry from technical logic [J] Press, 2018 (02): 17-22

Zhang Hongzhong Pay attention to the new topics brought by the development of artificial intelligence to the research of Journalism and communication [J] Chinese reporter, 2017 (09): 5

Zhang Hongzhong Live broadcast of "online popularity": Company under the paradigm of post structuralism [J] Media research (2017): 01-30

Zhang Hongzhong, Ma Siyuan, Han Xiu Central and local: comparison of government trust of Internet users [J] News and communication research, 2016,23 (S1): 78-84 + 127

Lars willnat, Tang Shuo, Zhang Hongzhong Friend or opponent: mutual examination between the media and Chinese and American people [J] Journalism University, 2016 (06): 47-58 + 148

Zhang Hongzhong Relationship reconstruction of social media: from social attribute communication to value communication [J] Educational media research, 2016 (03): 28-30

Zhang Hongzhong, Liang Shuang, Zhang Shiyu Current situation and future of we media development [J] News and writing, 2016 (05): 28-31

Zhang Hongzhong, Zhang Shiyu Assimilation of power: the credibility relationship between commercial websites and CCTV news broadcast [J] Journalism and communication research, 2015,22 (11): 60-73 + 127

Zhang Hongzhong, Guan Lu, Zhu Lugang: analysis of social capital research model of social media, modern communication, 2015, issue 11, p42-46

Zhang Hongzhong and Wang Xin: types of Internet users and information discrimination, media, 2015, issue 21, p18-19

Zhang Hongzhong, Zhang Yan, Wang Yuxin, song Weichao: "virtual release of helpless reality: network construction of the catchphrase" loser wire ", modern communication, 2014,11, p50-55,59

Zhang Hongzhong, Li Mingqian, Zhu Lugang: report on the use of channels and contents of social media, published in the annual observation report of China's journalism 2014, people's daily press, August 2014, p194-215

Zhang Hongzhong: Research on the situation and impact of private capital and international capital entering China's media industry, compilation of selected and introduced achievements of national social science fund projects, social science literature press, August 2013

Zhang Hongzhong: Research on the influencing factors of film satisfaction, modern communication, 2013, issue 11 (208) p63-67

Zhang Hongzhong: the impact of microblog and wechat on the use of traditional media content, journalist, 2013, issue 12 (370), p64-68

Zhang Hongzhong: how to effectively build media credibility at present, Chinese reporter, August 2013, P7

Zhang Hongzhong, Yu Xin: "media construction: Chinese people's cultural cognition of the United States", research on journalism and communication, 2013, issue 4, 25-43

Zhang Hongzhong and Liu Siyi: 2012 report on the use of mobile Internet video in Beijing, Chengdu and Guangzhou, new media frontier, social science literature press, 1st edition, December 2012, p90-105

Zhang Hongzhong: the impact of off industry capital on the identity cognition and pressure of Chinese media practitioners, contemporary communication, 2012, issue 3, P60

Zhang Hongzhong: the impact of the entry of non industry capital on Chinese media practitioners, international press, 2012, issue 2 (total 208), p70-75

Zhou Xing, Zhang Hongzhong, Tu Junyi, Zeng Hong: ecological investigation of urban image consumption in the new media environment, modern communication, 2012, issue 8, p8-14

Zhou Xing, Zhang Hongzhong, Zeng Hong, Tu Junyi: analysis of consumption of urban residents' cinemas under the background of multi image ecology, contemporary film, 2012, issue 07, 75-79

Wang Yichuan, Zhang Hongzhong, Lin Wei: survey on Chinese and foreign cultural symbols of college students in China, contemporary literary world, 2010, (06)

Wang Yichuan, Guo Biheng, Zhang Hongzhong and Tang Jianying: the status quo of Chinese mainland films and strategies for improving their soft power. "Tianjin Social Sciences" 2010, (04)

Zhang Hongzhong, Liu Yanrong: "self orientation of Chinese cultural soft power -- Based on the investigation of cultural officials and cultural scholars", China Social Science Daily, November 15, 2011, 16th edition

Zhang Hongzhong and Liu Yanrong: analysis of American College Students' cognition of Chinese cultural soft power, modern communication, 2011, issue 6

Zhang Hongzhong, Zhou Wen, Wang Yiwen, Yu Yuan: "Research on College Students' film contact behavior and evaluation -- Based on the investigation of commercial blockbusters and Huabiao award winning films from 2007 to 2009", JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST UNIVERSITY FOR NATIONALITIES (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION), No. 9, 2011, p167-171

Yu Dan, Zhang Hongzhong, Yang Dongju: Research on the credibility of China's official communication channels in major public events, international press, 2010, issue 06

Zhang Hongzhong and Zhao Yue: Beijing College Students' cognition and evaluation of 3G operators, modern advertising, 2010, issue 10, Zhang Hongzhong and Zhao Yue: survey on Beijing College Students' cognition and use of 3G, news and writing, 2010, issue 05

Zhang Hongzhong: how to treat the reduction of media credibility, China Radio, film and television, late August 2010

Zhang Hongzhong: Investigation on the credibility of new media -- Analysis Based on the survey data of network and mobile phone in ten major cities in China, contemporary communication, 2010, issue 4, p76-77

Zhang Hongzhong: Research on the belief status and communication channels of Chinese residents, National People's Congress photocopy of Marxism digest (Reprinted), 2009, issue 8, 45-47

Zhang Hongzhong: comparison of the credibility of newspapers in three market forms in Chongqing, international press, 2009, issue 3 (173), p89-93

Zhang Hongzhong: comparison of audiences' dependence on different contents of new media and traditional media, contemporary communication, 2009, issue 1, p29-31

Zhang Hongzhong: audience value analysis of the development of newspaper layout structure in China, international press, September 2007, p54-58

Yu Guoming, Zhang Hongzhong, Jin Yi: evaluation of the credibility of China's mass communication channels, international press, 2007, issue 5, p29-34

Zhang Hongzhong: the career choice view of Chinese journalists -- Taking the survey in Beijing as an example, news and writing, issue 01, 2007

Zhang Hongzhong: Discussion on newspaper transformation under the background of the development of new communication technology, southern media research, issue 1, 2007

Zhang Hongzhong: Research on the communication mode and effect of super girl vortex, international press, 2006, issue 1, p42-47

Zhang Hongzhong: the value orientation of Chinese journalists in the period of social transformation, international press, 2006, issue 10, p5-9

Zhang Hongzhong: film contact and evaluation scale under the trend of communication channel integration, Journal of Southwest University for nationalities, 2006, Issue 9, p156-159

Zhang Hongzhong: the development of China's newspaper industry under the confusion of homogenization, news and writing, 2006, issue 5, p3-5

Zhang Hongzhong: the era of reading pictures or the era of reading Headlines -- an analysis of the composition of layout elements of urban newspapers, news and writing, 2006, issue 6, P6-7

Zhang Hongzhong: "scale" and "valve": the impact of credibility on different media audience markets ", journalist, 2005, issue 12, p45-46

Zhang Hongzhong: the judgment dimension and composition characteristics of media credibility, news and communication, 2006, issue 5, p23-24

Zhang Hongzhong: Investigation on professional consciousness of journalists, China news, 2006, issue 81

Zhang Hongzhong: the choice of expansion mode of China's media industry, press, 2004, issue 1, p36-38

Yu Guoming, Zhang Hongzhong, Jin Yi: choice of communication channels in the face of major events, journalist, issue 6, 2003

Yu Guoming, Zhang Hongzhong, Jin Yi: communication effect of information transparency processing, journalist, issue 7, 2003

Zhang Hongzhong: where is the "problem list" of the media industry, news practice, issue 1, 2003

Zhang Hongzhong: Rethinking the division of weekend retail market of urban newspapers, Chinese reporter, September 2001

Zhang Hongzhong: Discussion on the relationship between agenda setting theory and framework theory of mass communication, Journal of Southwest University for nationalities, 2001, issue 10, p88-91