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Fang Zengquan

School of Journalism and Communication, Beijing Normal University

Research professor 
PhD Supervisor 
Secretary of Party Committee 
Director, Center for Educational Journalism and Media Research, Beijing Normal University

Main Research Direction

Youth Internet Literacy;
Overseas Online Communication Influence of Higher Education Institutions;
Teacher Education Policy;
Party Construction;


All Media Theory and Media Literacy
Convergent Media Planning and Editing

Monographs and Papers

1. Fang Zengquan et al, Green Paper on Internet Literacy among Chinese Youth (2020) (monograph), People's Daily Press, May 2021.
2. Fang Zengquan et al, The Construction of Professional Media Images and Historical Changes (eds.), China Book Press, November 2020.
3. Zhang Hongzhong ,Fang Zengquan, Report on China's Overseas Online Communication Power (2018.2019) (eds.), Economic Management Press, June 2019.
4. Fang Zengquan et al, Green Paper on Chinese Youth Internet Literacy (2017) (monograph), Communication University of China Press, April 2018.
5. Fang Zengquan, Modern Chinese Universities (1898-1937) and Social Modernization (monograph), Beijing Normal University Press, November 2006, awarded the Beijing Social Science Theory Works Publication Fund
6. Fang Zengquan, Qi Xuejing, Ji Xiaoxu, et al, 'Analyzing online impression management ability of Chinese teenagers', SSCI Source Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 11 January 2021.
7. Fang Zengquan, Jia Lin. An empirical analysis of the communication power of WeChat public numbers in education industry media[J]. Educational Media Research,2021(01):57-61.
8. Fang Zengquan. Sound education system for internet literacy of minors[N]. China Youth Daily, 2020-06-01(003).
9. Fang Zengquan, Chen Rongbin. The contemporary connotation and dissemination channels of the teacher's oath in the new era[J]. China Teacher,2019(10):60-63.
10. Fang Zengquan, Ji Xiaoxu, and Li Kun, "Exploration of extra-territorial practices of Internet literacy education for minors", in Report on Internet Usage of Chinese Minors (2019), Social Science Literature Press, May 2019.
11. Fang Zengquan, Qi Xuejing ,Jia Lin, 'The current development of Internet literacy education for minors', in China's Internet Usage Report for Minors (2019), Social Science Literature Publishing House, May 2019.
12. Fang Zengquan and Qi Xuejing, "Building an Ecosystem for Youth Internet Literacy Education", in Readings on Youth Internet Literacy, Social Science Literature Publishing House, July 2018.
13. Fang Zengquan et al , "The Current Situation of Overseas Network Communication Power of Chinese Universities under the Background of "Double First-class" Strategy and Suggestions for Development Countermeasures", published in Intelligence Engineering, Issue 02, 2018.
14. Fang Zengquan et al, "Analysis of Overseas Online Communication Power of Chinese Universities under the Background of "Double First-class" Strategy", published in Intelligence Engineering, Vol. 05, 2017.
15. Fang Zengquan et al, "Survey Report on Youth Internet Literacy in 2017", published in Guangming Daily (06 July 2017).
16. Fang Zengquan et al, "Survey on the Implementation Status of Ideological and Political Theory Classes in Universities", published in Beijing Education (07.08.2016).
17. Fang Zengquan et al, "Free teacher training students' policy needs to be adjusted - an investigation and analysis of the development of free teacher training graduates of the 2011-2013 class, one and two", published consecutively in People's Daily (5.02.2015, 12.18)
18. Fang Zengquan et al, "Ranking the overseas online communication power of China's 211 universities" published in Guangming Daily ( 15 January 2015)
19. Fang Zengquan et al, "Teacher-Student Relationship, Who Takes the First Step to Engage? --A Survey of University Teacher-Student Relations in Changing Times", published in full in Guangming Daily Survey (05 July 2014)

Research Project 

1. Presiding over the "Research on Social Mobilization Mechanism and Countermeasures of Youth Network", a high-end think tank research project of Beijing Normal University in 2020 
2. President of "Research on the Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasures of Youth Internet Application", a high-end think tank research project of Beijing Normal University in 2019
3. President of the Research Project on How to Improve the Communication Power, Guiding Power, Influence and Credibility of News and Public Opinion in Education System, 2018 Beijing Normal University High-end Think Tank Research Project
4. President of the Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Research Planning Fund Project "Research on Teachers' Oath" (Project No. 16YJA710007).
5. Presided over the 2007 Youth Fund Project of the Ministry of Education for Humanities and Social Sciences Research: "Follow-up Survey and Policy Suggestions on Free Education for Teacher Training Students" (Project No. 07JC880023)
6. Presided over the project entrusted by the Department of Comprehensive Reform of the Ministry of Education: Problems and Countermeasures of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Universities
7. Chaired the sub-project of the National Social Science Foundation of China: Research on Educational Innovation and Innovative Nation Building under the Scientific Outlook on Development (Project No. 08&ZD002)